Affiliate Triad Review: Finally Help to Master Affiliate Marketing


I’ve never really made a sales page before, so I appreciate you stopping by for a visit.

Skip to the good parts:

You see, I’m not a big time guru that knows how to create a high converting funnel complete with opt-in pages, landing pages, email sequences, exit pops, exit pops to the exit pops, tracking pixels, re-targeting ads and hard hitting sales page.

I think I lost myself there, are you still with me? If your head is spinning you can take a break.

Ready? I think I am too.

Basically what I am saying is that it takes a lot, a lot a lot, to make a sale online.

It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to sell a $9.99 ebook or a $9999 coaching program – and it doesn’t matter if the product you are trying to sell is your own or if you are an affiliate for someone else.

Internet marketing is hard!

Truth be told I’ve been involved in internet marketing for nearly fifteen years. It all started with a few Adsense ads, over time I had my ups and my downs in every aspect of trying to make money online.

I had some great years and some not so great years, and yet:

I’ve never mastered a supposedly simple aspect of a being a super affiliate – the funnel.

Sure affiliate marketing is easy – you just put your affiliate link on your website, or Pinterest or Facebook or paint it on the back window of your car – whatever it takes to get a click, right?

But do you want to know a secret?

That’s not how the REALLY successful affiliates do it.

Rapid Crush teach Affiliate Triad members how to promote high ticket offers

Do you think the guy responsible for the numbers in this picture put a few links on Pinterest and called it a day when he set the record for biggest affiliate promotion ever at nearly $10 Million?

Ummm, no.

Rapid Crush, as shown in the picture, is a team made up of Jason Fladlien and Wilson Mattos, they may not be that well known outside of a small group of Amazon sellers, but they have, if I remember right, 4 out of the top 5 affiliate promotions to date.

How did they do it?

Well, besides front man Jason Fladlien being a complete savant when it comes to selling, they have mastered a system that, well rapidly crushes affiliate promotions by using expertly crafted webinars, landing pages, opt-in pages, sales pages, exit pop… well you get the picture.

All those things us mere mortals aspiring and dreaming about making a living as an affiliate have no clue how to do.

Or frankly have the time to figure out.

It takes years and years of trial and error to put together a promotion so effective you actually have any chance whatsoever to see over a million dollars in sales flood through your affiliate portal.

I can’t even imagine what that feels like, and I have a pretty good imagination.

But do you know what?

Now none of that difficult stuff matters.

How Can Being a Rapid Crush Insider Help?

I joined a super secret, (okay fine not that super secret) pilot program called Affiliate Triad run by Jason and Wil of Rapid Crush.

Now, I (and the other members of the group) only have to focus on one thing, not the bajillion other parts of the funnel and sales process, just one.


You see as part of the Affiliate Triad program the members get to use the entire promotional machine created by Jason and Wil to promote a new affiliate offer each month. Not only is the entire funnel given to us – Jason does all the selling the way he does best – live on a webinar.

All we have to do is introduce people to the webinar that might be interested in learning something new about earning income online.

If you have a blog, or a following on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, heck even if you want to paint a sign on the back of your car this might just be the best opportunity that you’ll ever see.

Learn More From Jason Himself in this Quick Video

I don’t want this to sound like a bunch of hype, it may come off that way because I am so excited about the wonderful opportunity this group offers.

Do The Offers in Affiliate Triad Convert?

As I write this we just finished our first promotion and it did okay (by okay I mean “holy cow!”) – about 400 members collectively generated over 7 figures on our first offer.

Some members went from having never made any money online to making five figures in less than eight days. For some of the members that had previous experience – it was like throwing gas on a fire.

Affiliate Triad isn’t an “always open” group. But since it went so well it will be opened for a few days before we gear up for next month’s promotion.

If you want to see what this is all about you can check it out here.

But for real, by the time you see this it might be closed again. If or when it opens again (It has only been opened up every few months so far) Jason and Wil have said the price will for sure go up. Again, that’s a real statement, these guys are some of the most ethical marketers I’ve run into online so if they say the price will go up I believe it.

If you’ve ever struggled to get an affiliate promotion to convert, this is a group you’ll love to be apart of. Not only does Affiliate Triad give you a Done for You promotion – they show you behind the scenes step by step how they do it.

Where else can you look under the hood at a 8-9 figure marketers systems and funnel?

What Do You Get Inside Affiliate Triad?

  • Every month, we promote a high converting offer – and you’ll get 100% unique funnels with a world class webinar and other marketing materials around it – created for you. And you keep all the profits.
  • You’ll also be able to offer your customers exclusive bonuses… without ever having to worry about fulfilling or supporting them.
  • Tips, tactics and ideas you can use to build and grow your own email list. Plus, you’ll have reseller licenses to brilliant products to further build your list (and keep the profit from). Your list is your biggest asset, and it’s yours free and clear, forever to use how you wish.
  • You’ll also get “done for you” emails forever. Not just for the promotions, but also to keep your list warm in-between promotions – this saves you so much time!
  • Then, there are training webinars where you’ll get world class coaching about how to make all of this work for you, what works best – and what to avoid. Plus, product review access – so you can honestly review and promote these monthly offers with confidence and excitement.
  • You’ll become a part of a tribe on Slack – and be able to connect with other marketers to have the best chance of succeeding.
  • Mentors, member spotlights… and much, much more.

And that’s not all, for a limited time you get a free set of steak knives. Okay fine I couldn’t help myself. I feel like I am doing an infomercial. I think perhaps I’ll let them do the selling and I’ll just focus on my one part.

Affiliate Triad is Now Rapid Crush Insiders

Since Affiliate Triad opened in the spring of 2020 the group has evolved way beyond their expectations. I have been a member since the very start, and this remains the best opportunity if you are a beginner affiliate marketer or a seasoned professional.

Now AT is being rebranded as Rapid Crush Insiders because you are truly an insider in the world of perhaps the best affiliate marketing team in the industry. It’s like having an over-the-shoulder look at multi-million dollar marketing promotions every single day.

I can’t recommend this group highly enough so if you are serious about your journey to make money online while helping others do the same take some time to watch the webinar below. All of your questions will be answered. If by chance you still have more I am always happy to help. Simply use the contact form on this site and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

Now your next step is to become a Rapid Crush Insider today. (If you get a message saying it’s closed send me a message and I will make sure to get you on the waiting list)

Go Watch The Webinar

I hope to see you in our group, we keep these guys on their toes. 🙂

If you have any questions feel free to contact me, and I’ll help in any way I can.

With gratitude,


(I still don’t know if this was really a sales page, it’s more of a review of Affiliate Triad but I’d love to see you join either way)


About Em

In 2006 I started my make money online adventure. Over that time I’ve learned a few things: One, introverts really can make a living online - (just because I’m introverted doesn’t mean I’m scary and unfriendly - if you ever have a question about this wacky work at home adventure just contact me!) Two, there are many other important things in life like health and overall happiness. Will you join me as we figure out a path to health, wealth and happiness?