21 Day Cleanse: A 21DSD Review

Review of Diane Sanfilippo’s 21 Day Cleanse

What is a 21 day sugar detox?
If you’ve been on the lookout for a perfect detox guide then it is very likely that you’ve come across Diane Sanfilippo’s 21 Day cleanse guide known as The 21 Day Sugar Detox. It’s available online at Amazon, ebay or via a members only online course. The book and cookbook is even sold at places like Barnes and Noble, Target or Costco. But of course you’d have to ask yourself whether 21dsd is any good for your learning style.

21 Day Cleanse

Right from the get-go the answer is a resounding yes for me. The 21 Day Sugar Detox is one of the best – if not the best – detox guide there is today and this is mostly because it doesn’t just focus on getting rid of sugar and high carbohydrates. It focuses on a healthy lifestyle.

21 Day Sugar Detox Outline

What’s inside the package, you ask? The main book is a recipe book split into three categories:

  1. Level 1 – this is the entry level and is the most inclusive of the usual food you should avoid. It gives some space for gluten-free whole grains, full fat dairy, and others. It is the usually the easiest to follow and is a good starting point for detox newbies.
  2. Level 2 – this is where things get a little stricter. Full-fat dairy is still allowed and some of the recipes still include some of the delicious “avoidable choices” that most detox guides ban but whole grains are completely out of the picture here.
  3. Level 3 – this pretty much resembles a Paleo diet plan because both dairy and whole grains are excluded. There are no processed foods, no artificial sweeteners, no soy, and very few fruits are allowed. It is the hardest but also the most rewarding.

The recipe book is pretty much all you’ll need to keep on track but it also comes with a few bonuses that can really tip the boat between sticking to the program or leaving it entirely. You will also get:

  • Quickstart Guide
  • Modification Guide
  • Audio and Video Materials

There are also lots of bonus guides and cookbooks as well as a list of recommended reading materials.

Pros and Cons


  • Very simple to follow
  • Everything you need to know is listed
  • Recipes actually taste good
  • Recipes aren’t expensive and the ingredients are easy to shop for
  • No calorie counting
  • You don’t have to give up most of the food you eat
  • The online program has a wonderful community of “detoxers” to help you through your 21 days and beyond


  • Level 3 isn’t easy but then again no detox plan ever is
  • If you buy the physical book alone it is easy to get sidetracked and “fall off the wagon”

Detox Your Body

Detoxification is not an easy process. This is why 3-day detox plans and 7-day detox plans tend to fail – people just can’t switch their diets in three days. You need a system that eases you into it and educates you as to why certain food groups are introduced or eliminated.

This is why Diane Sanfilippo’s 21 day cleanse program, The 21 Day Sugar Detox, is one of the best. It isn’t difficult to follow, it is quite versatile for anyone to get into, and it educates as much as it instructs. You’ll be hard-pressed to find any other detox guide that is this complete or that provides such a helpful group of members to help guide you through your journey.

In the video below we give you a bit of a “taste” for the 21 Day program and what you will get inside this wonderful course. I hope you enjoy, and join me inside!

UPDATE: The course and community is no longer open, but the book is still available on Amazon. It still contains an abundant amount of wonderful information that will help you on your detox journey. Check it out on Amazon.

Have a happy healthy year and start your own 21DSD right now.

About Em

In 2006 I started my make money online adventure. Over that time I’ve learned a few things: One, introverts really can make a living online - (just because I’m introverted doesn’t mean I’m scary and unfriendly - if you ever have a question about this wacky work at home adventure just contact me!) Two, there are many other important things in life like health and overall happiness. Will you join me as we figure out a path to health, wealth and happiness?