The Many Benefits of Lemon Balm Tea

Lemon balm is a widely known medicinal herb that has numerous benefits. It is a versatile plant that can be effectively used as a tea, cream, essential oil or just plain old eaten fresh right off the plant.

Luckily it tastes refreshing as both a hot or iced tea so you can enjoy a relaxing cup knowing you are improving your health. Enjoy!

Just A Few of the Uses for Lemon Balm

Can reduce blood sugar levels and oxidative stress

May regulate an overactive thyroid

Gently soothes PMS symptoms

Digestion aid and constipation remedy

Powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant

Natural cold sore relief (topical cream or essential oils)

Mood enhancer and sleep aid

Natural antibacterial agent that fights candida

Protects the heart and liver

Improves hyperactivity, concentration problems and impulsiveness


Try our favorite Traditional Medicinals Organic Lemon Balm Tea on sale at Amazon.

Discover the many benefits of lemon balm tea and essential oils #lemonbalm #tea #essentialoils

About Em

In 2006 I started my make money online adventure. Over that time I’ve learned a few things: One, introverts really can make a living online - (just because I’m introverted doesn’t mean I’m scary and unfriendly - if you ever have a question about this wacky work at home adventure just contact me!) Two, there are many other important things in life like health and overall happiness. Will you join me as we figure out a path to health, wealth and happiness?